Vesta OKC Basement and Foundation Waterproofing Methods
Whether it's in your basement or your crawl space, water can do a number on the concrete of the foundation and basement walls in your home. No matter where you live, it pays, in the long run, to install basement or foundation waterproofing in your Oklahoma City area home to avoid more expensive repairs down the road.
Interior Waterproofing
Crawl space and basement waterproofing in Oklahoma City can be done in many ways. We can encapsulate (close off) your crawl space to prevent water from coming through the open vents or percolating up through the ground. Essentially, we seal the crawl space in heavy-duty plastic, and in tandem, we'll often recommend the installation of a dehumidifier or sump pump. Basement waterproofing in Oklahoma City is not much different. Depending on whether your basement is finished and how you intend to use it will determine the best interior waterproofing solution for your home. After checking for cracks and patching any that we find, we will seal your basement in the same way we'd seal your crawl space, or we can apply a sealant on each wall and over the concrete floors. And again, we might recommend the installation of a sump pump or dehumidifier.

Exterior Waterproofing
As a simple first step toward exterior foundation waterproofing in Oklahoma City, ensure your yard drains and downspouts effectively divert stormwater from your home. No waterproofing solution is entirely effective without ensuring that standing water will not accumulate and surround your concrete foundation. The decision to install exterior foundation waterproofing in Oklahoma City will depend on how much water continually threatens the security and stability of your home. Waterproofing the exterior requires excavating around your home to reach the full depth of your foundation or basement walls, sealing the concrete with a waterproof coating or membrane, and often installing drain tiles.
Drainage systems are also necessary for any waterproofing solution, but they do not come as a one-size-fits-all solution. The most effective system for your property might not work for your neighbors. The efficacy of any drainage solution depends on the grade of the ground, the soil used as backfill to surround and support your house, and the kind of landscaping you have in your front and back yards. From French and channel drains to dry wells, we recommend the best yard drainage system to bolster the entire waterproofing solution we install in your home.
Water will damage your basement and foundation over time, so when you're ready to protect your greatest investment, reach out to our professionals at Vesta Foundation Solutions to consult about the best waterproofing methods for your Oklahoma City home.