USA Softball Hall Of Fame
The Vesta team was called out to the USA Softball Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City to propose a job for void filling and lifting beneath the concrete stadium bleachers. John Brown with Timberlake Construction reached out to Vesta online, mentioning that his construction team was renovating the Softball Hall of Fame and that they found a lot of voids beneath the surface.
Vesta Foundation Solutions Owner and inspector Will Blake was happy to go out to the stadium and construct a proposal for the job at hand. Will Blake was informed of the problem areas and assessed them so that he could propose the best possible solutions. The proposal and bid was given to the Timberlake construction team to look over and come to a decision, John Brown later called and informed the Vesta team that after reviewing the proposal they wanted to move forward with the job.
PolyLevel Foreman Jeff Peck and his crew member Bob Vessels arrived at the Stadium ready to begin phase one of the job. A ground Penetrating radar scan was given to the team so they could Inject the polyurethane foam with a noninvasive 5/16 bit into the needed areas. The team filled the areas so that the voids were no longer in place. Void Filling gives the concrete a good base to prevent any future sinking or possible cracking that may have occurred. The Vesta team wrapped up the job and was happy that they were able to assist in the renovation of USA Softball Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City.
The Timberlake Construction team was very pleased with the outcome of phase one and called the Vesta team to come back out and complete phase two of the job. The crew has been to the sight four times and injected 822 Ibs of Polyurethane Foam to date and is happy to help with any future concrete work that the stadium might need.