When selecting a foundation repair option to fix your home, you first have to understand several aspects of the problem. First, the soil is typically causing the settlement or failure in the home. Second, how heavy the home is can determine the type of pier and how far apart they should be and last; what types of materials were used to construct the foundation.
When we talk about soil movement. There are three major reasons the soil is moving. Most likely the soil was not compacted properly to support the weight of the home and thus the home moves downward into the uncompacted fill. This is common and can be found very soon after the construction of the home takes place. The soil can also shrink during dry periods, leaving a void under the footing that was not intended to be there. The home then falls into this space causing movement. Last, soil softening due to wetting or washing out from under the home can cause movement. These soil conditions help determine whether or not to use a helical pier or a push pier style system. If the home is on a somewhat stable base then a push pier system can be utilized to prevent movement. If the soil is unstable and comprised of many fill layers a helical pier may be used.
How heavy is the home?
Many homes that are one, or two stories and made of brick can be repaired using a push pier system. The reasoning behind this is because a push pier system uses the weight of the home to drive piers down to strata. The heavier the home, the easier this is. If the home is a single story home with vinyl siding and low roof pitch, a helical pier may be a better solution because the home is very light and a piece of machinery with a driving assembly must advance the piers down into load bearing soil. Otherwise the home could be damaged and lifted prematurely if using the weight to drive.
What type of materials?
Many Block and Concrete Masonry homes are fine to use either pier systems. When older brick and stone foundations are in need of repair this can be a problem. The foundation can become damaged due to the driving pressures used with a push pier system. A helical system is better to use when fear of the damage to the foundation wall because of how fragile it may be. Many of these homes can be found in the older parts of Springdale, AR and Rogers.
To learn more about different style piering systems, feel free to visit the Foundation Repair Options page of our Website. Vesta Foundation Solutions of Arkansas is a deluxe dealer for Foundation Supportworks products and uses real time load calculation data to help determine the need for foundation repair products. Call us at 1-833-vestawork for a free evaluation.