Construct My Future Camp: Exciting Opportunities Await

Have you heard about the latest construction camp for middle schoolers in OKC?

Construct My Future Camp aims to inspire rising seventh and eighth graders before choosing their high school tracks. By exposing them to various trades, activities, and behind-the-scenes work involved in construction. The camp endeavors to broaden their horizons and enlighten them about the vast opportunities in the industry.

We can't wait to share the fantastic experiences that await young students interested in the construction industry. As Tatyana Dawson, the Social Media Coordinator at Vesta Foundation Solutions, sat down with Marla Esser Cloos, known as the Green Home Coach but also the Camp Director of Construct My Future, we learned about the inspiring journey that led to the creation of this unique camp.

The camp's origins trace back to a meeting held two years ago by three passionate individuals: Will Blake (Vesta Foundation Solutions), Jack Warner (A to Z Inspections), and Mike Means (Oklahoma Home Builders Association). The pressing need for workforce development in construction drove their collective vision. A labor shortage gripped the industry, affecting construction, repairs, and home maintenance.

Marla, who discovered the meeting details in the newspaper, reached out, recognizing the value her work with another construction career exploration event could bring to the table. This led to an engaging conversation with Will the following day, and she soon became one of the camp's founders.

In the initial stages, the founders focused on exploring the possibilities and determining the camp's feasibility. After extensive discussions with industry professionals, they targeted middle school-aged students as the primary audience. This choice was based on the observation that younger high school students, particularly freshmen, might still explore their interests and career paths.

Last year's camp was a success, with 45 eager participants. This year, the number has surged to nearly 65, showcasing young students' growing interest and enthusiasm.

Construct My Future Camp is the perfect platform for aspiring builders, architects, engineers, and designers to explore their passion. It will help them discover new possibilities and gain hands-on experience. Take advantage of this incredible chance to ignite your curiosity and pave the way to a rewarding career in the construction industry.

Stay tuned for more updates, and mark your calendars for the upcoming Construct My Future Camp from June 5th to June 9th, 2023.